40x Aloe Vera Concentrate

Aloe Vera is one of the most revered of all African herbs and has been exported to every corner of the world. Hippocrates himself called aloe "the potted physician" for its amazing healing properties.

Aloe Vera:

  • Supports healthy immune function

  • May aid in healthy digestion

  • May support healthy joint function

  • May support healthy blood glucose levels

We recommend combining it with Purium`s Apothe-Cherry as an anti-inflammatory, deep sleep-promoting beverage.

What is 40x Aloe Vera Concentrate?

The most potent Aloe Vera juice available, Purium 40x Aloe Vera concentrate is extracted from the most therapeutic (and non-toxic) portion of the Aloe barbadensis Miller plant. It is then concentrated until it is 40 times more potent than 100% pure Aloe Vera juice.

Aloe Benefits:

  • Increased Circulation - Aloe Vera can increase circulation by 700%.

  • Faster Healing - A study in the Journal of the American Podiatric Medical Association found that aloe preparations speed wound healing.

  • Improved Bowel Regularity - A study in the Journal of Alternative Medicine found that Aloe Vera juice could be effective for treating inflammatory bowel disease.

  • Increased Energy - Most Aloe Vera users notice a surge in energy levels.

  • Blood Sugar Reduction - Clinical studies show that oral supplements of aloe improve blood glucose levels in Type II diabetes patients.

  • Reduced Arthritic Pain - According to the Journal of the American Podiatric Medical Association, Aloe can help prevent arthritis and reduce the inflammation in joints already affected by arthritis.

Interesting Facts About Aloe:

In Latin, Aloe Vera means "the bitter truth." Hippocrates, the Father of Medicine, referred to aloe as the "Potted Physician." Traditionally valued for its burn and wound healing qualities, today science has validated the historical use and reverence for this amazing plant. Science has shown that Aloe Vera stimulates the immune system by providing certain compounds called polysaccharides, as well as other anti-inflammatory compounds that help to relieve arthritis pain, stabilize blood glucose, and have anti-tumor properties, and more.

A natural laxative, the most common reason people begin adding Aloe Vera juice to their diets is to ease bowel and digestion problems. Sufferers of such illnesses as Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS), Crohn`s Disease, Acid Reflux Disease, and Colitis may find that the most reliable form of relief is in improving their body`s immune and digestive function with proper nutritional support found in Aloe Vera Juice Concentrate. By regulating the ph balance in your intestines, Aloe Vera Juice Concentrate helps neutralize stomach acidity and support colon health. Aloe Vera supports your body`s natural ability to fight viruses and bacteria..

The more research one does on aloe, the more one discovers that more and more benefits are being discovered every day!

A final word from Purium's Founder, Dave Sandoval:

The concentrating of Aloe Vera is something we are very proud of from both a physiological and ecological standpoint. Our 40X concentrate simply removes unnecessary water and reduces the carbon footprint by over 80%, affecting packaging, size, shipping weight, and box size...not to mention the efficiency of moving 100 bottles of 40X in one armload versus 100 gallons of aloe vera bottles on a big pallet.

Other Resources

Aloe Vera: The Superb Herb
Superoxide Dismutase: The Super Nutrient That Makes You Beautiful Inside-Out
"Return of the Prodigal Sun" by David Sandoval
Purium Products A-Z

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40x Aloe Vera


These statements have not been evaluated by the FDA and were not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.


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