Love Yourself NOW

Explore your authentic feminine power as you invest in yourself!

We all have a tendency to put others first, but in doing so, we can sometimes neglect our relationship with ourselves. Let me be your advocate and show you a loving way to treat the most important person in your life, YOU! Reconnect with your divine sacred feminine power as you tune in to your own needs, put yourself first, and allow your light to shine.

Cultivating Self-Care & Self-Love is the Most Important Part of Your Personal Development Journey

All other relationships come and go. The only one that truly lasts is the one we have with ourselves.

When we can learn to accept ourselves without any criticism or self-judgment, we unconsciously permit others to do the same. Our inner light shines brighter, and we attract those who also have that inner peace that only comes from deep within. The fantastic thing is that we possess it, and nobody can take that away from us. It's ours forever unless we choose to give it up.

For me, I've learned to honor and love myself by creating healthy boundaries with others. I am loyal to my personal needs before addressing the needs of others. This is a choice I am constantly challenged with since I have had children and am dedicated to a career that involves supporting others in creating health and overcoming hardship. But every time I choose self-love by putting my needs first, I am stronger and more capable of helping others than I would have been had I attempted to meet their needs and neglect my own.

Self-care is evident in some places like air travel, where we are instructed to place the oxygen mask on ourselves before attempting to help a child or another. Yet, in our regular lives, collectively, we seem to put the needs of work, school, family, social obligations, and even housekeeping before we take care of the fine details of our own self-care. Is it a surprise we are falling ill regularly? We are neglecting the temple in which our spirit lives. We deny our emotions and distract ourselves with business. Essentially, we are cheating on our higher selves. We are also unconsciously teaching our children to put others' needs in front of their own.

I think it's time we get our priorities straight.

Self-Care Tools



You can become a holistic self-care boss babe!! Reclaim your sovereign rights to live an inspired life! I went from poverty, disease, low self-esteem, and little self-worth to an empowered and beautiful super-goddess. In my mentorship, I’ll show you how you can achieve this too!


Colon Hydrotherapy

Caring for your body is one powerful way to lovingly care for yourself. Cleansing your colon with water using Colon Hydrotherapy is so much more than just cleansing your colon. It is therapeutic on mental and emotional levels and sets you up for the possibility for more optimal health.


Love Yourself Into Affluence

When you love yourself, you are signaling that you are worthy of financial well-being! Loving yourself makes it easy to attract opportunities for financial growth. If you want to join a team of self-loving, healthy, and inspirational people who crush their financial goals, let’s talk about Purium and doTerra and see if either is the right fit for you.

Self-love is not selfish; it's responsible. It's honoring yourself and your human needs.

Sisterhood Circles Self-Care Events

Sisterhood and support can make all the difference in your journey to adopting better self-care, which is why the Sisterhood Circle was created! We lovingly support one another in our journey to become self-care boss babes!


Elemental Balance

Elemental Balance Therapy is a very powerful treatment that assists the body in self-healing. The highest quality essential oils are applied along the spine like drops of rain and rubbed in with heat.

The body absorbs these high-frequency oils, creating within the body, an environment less hospitable to bacteria, viruses, or other unwelcome micro-organisms. The objective is to stimulating self-healing so the body kill viral agents and reduce inflammation.


Health Consultation

Let’s see where you’re at and talk nutrition, superfoods, food combining, colonics, detox, cleansing, and more! I’ll give you information that gives you the power to change your life!

“We often give away oceans of ourselves, for a single raindrop of acceptance.” — Topher Kearby

“May we learn to find ways to cultivate the waters of our Self-Love through grace-filled, compassionate discernment.

May we learn to lovingly acknowledge and forgive the parts of ourselves that have accepted anything less than fully embodied, celebrated, honoring love, from those who were simply too wounded to see or act beyond the filter of their pain.

May we learn to not settle for the muddied sea foam of discontent, merely because it’s washed upon our shores, and we don’t feel strong enough to swim into the often miraculous depths of the infinite unknown.

May we find ways to attune to the frequency of our soul’s consistent nudgings, even when its clarion call has felt like a distant song inside of an endless, muffled sea of silence.

No matter how lost we may feel, and no matter how much time we’ve spent in despair or hopelessness, our Soul’s Source of Divine Truth is still here. It is authentically present, and never judges our process or our timelines.

It is always actively aligned on our behalf...and is forever lovingly, irrefutably, calling us Hohm.”

— Kiana Luna